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I'm Erika Ward

Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation.  My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.


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Last week I took a trip that pretty much blurred the lines between business and pleasure. My family and I were guests of Carnival Cruise Line, boarded the beautiful Carnival Conquest, and spent 8 blissful days visiting four cities on the eastern Caribbean Sea. Not too shabby, huh?

You can only imagine the looks we received traveling with five kids in tow. Going through security lines, boarding the airplane (it was their first flight!), making the transfer from the airport to the ship’s port, and finally boarding the ship.   

Once aboard the Carnival Conquest it was more of the same. Fellow passengers watched in awe and amazement that we opted to travel with our children instead of without them. Others took a moment to share their own travel memories with us and how traveling with their children strengthened family bonds. More on that in an upcoming post.   

During the trip I hoped to gain relaxation, set some personal and professional goals, gain clarity on the direction of my business, and capture memories via photo and video. And guess what, I did all that and more!   

In the upcoming months, I will also be producing and publishing content for Carnival’s digital magazine, Away We Go, covering topics such as cultural influences on decorating and design, entertaining, and providing advice on preserving travel memories. 

I laugh to myself as I write this post because I said I would never go on a cruise. 


I’ve traveled abroad several times even alone by plane, but there was something about sailing that intimidated me. 

I realize that my return from paradise has helped me to conquer my fears, which were few to begin with, and serves as a wonderful reminder to remain open to life experiences and to never say never! 

Thanks for following me along on my adventure and sharing your cruise travel plans/memories on Facebook and Instagram. They were so inspiring and often times entertaining! 

More soon!



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  1. Mimi says:

    Can’t wait to hear more about the trip. I enjoyed following along on Social Media

  2. Ernestine Nesby says:

    Great post. I hope more people will experience the joy of sharing memories with their children.

  3. Dad says:

    I googled your name, your site and all this content came up. Im so far behind your example! I love what you are doing..and I am so proud of you! Keep Shining

  4. Carissa says:

    My sister in law is supposed to get married on a Cruise next year and I am scared! But I have read a couple of blog post about cruising with kids and I feel like maybe I can handle this. I loved following along with your pictures!



Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation. My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.

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