In a recent interview, I was asked why I chose to pursue a career in interior design. Simply put, I gain joy from creating an atmosphere that supports way the client wants to feel.
Case in point, during a client consultation I asked a couple what kind of “mood” they wanted for their master bedroom. I threw out a few suggestions like restful, serene, relaxing just to encourage their thoughts. The husband’s immediate response was “SEXUAL” (insert raised eyebrows here). The wife’s answer made mention of a “love nest” or something. With all the eye exchange, I knew I needed to wrap things up before they tore into each other. But before I made my escape, I asked more specific questions about their color preferences. They both said they were open to any color just as long as it felt warm.
The psychology of interior design is intriguing because it engages all of our five senses and it has a way of affecting our moods without our awareness or permission.
But back to the client couple…In your opinion, what is a “sexual” paint color? What is sexy to me would probably be relaxing to someone else. What color is your bedroom?
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