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It’s Babies and Kids Week!

I'm Erika Ward

Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation.  My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.

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“Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them.”

-Richard L. Evans
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I sure did. On Sunday, me and three ladies hosted a baby shower for our dear friend Mimi. During the shower, I thought about how lovely it will be for her baby girl to see how we celebrated her pending arrival and to know that she was loved and cherish well before she graced us with her presence.  Nothing gives me more joy than making a child feel loved.  

After the shower my thoughts shifted this time to my  twins who will celebrate their 3rd birthday next month.

With less than a month to go, I became a bit panicked given the fact I have nothing planned. Sometimes the most easygoing plans and projects are some of the best. Don’t you think? 

Tomorrow, I have the most adorable post of a little girl’s birthday party and budget friendly design tips from the professional events planner who is also her mother!

Have you planned a special event; baby shower, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday party, etc. on a budget? What are your best money saving tips when decorating for a kids’ event?

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Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation. My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.

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