So we are already into day 2 of the new year and into the second day of your resolutions. Truth is, you can start anew anytime of the year so don’t put too much pressure on yourselves to get it right the first time. The same truth holds to starting a new decorating project. It takes time. Don’t believe what you see on TV design shows. It takes more than 30 minutes to take a room from before to after. Weeks of planning and process do into making a room fabulous even when you are a professional.
This month I’m taking you through the process of creating a room you will love. The first step is finding inspiration for your project, this also takes time.
Clip images from magazines, travel brochures, and catalogs. When online, search blogs, digital magazines, designer websites for rooms, furniture, and details that speak to you. Create a folder for them on your computer or use programs like google docs or my personal favorite, pinterest. Once you collect a few images, you then start to see a common thread that will lead you steps closer into finding your style. Here are a few online sites where I often find inspiration for a new project. Have you tried these? Which are your favorites?
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