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I'm Erika Ward

Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation.  My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.

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Hi it’s Ashleigh here and I’m so thrilled to publish my first blog post on blulabelbungalow.com! I’m super passionate about creating functional spaces without sacrificing style! Today’s post will reflect both my passions as I help your college student prepare for the upcoming school year. Please share this information with them or others who could benefit…Thanks!

It’s school time again and many of us are heading back to our second homes…our dorm rooms. If we’re being honest here, showing up to campus as a Freshman can be exhilarating and a bit scary. You’re fresh out of high school and finally out of mommy and daddy arms (but not their wallets—Ha!). There are so many things you are probably concerned about but styling your dorm room won’t be one of them. I am here to give you simple tips on how to add personal style to your dorm room!

1. First, Have the Essentials!

These items are recommended for you to take to your new dorm. Most of these items are budget friendly and if bought at the right place they can last you the entire four years of moving back and forth.

  • Large storage bins
  • Organizational accessories for dorm desk
  • Bathroom caddy
  • Hamper
  • Bedding w/jazzy pillows (Try different colors and patterns pillows from your bedding)
  • Shoe rack
  • Closet organizers
  • Dry erase and pin boards
  • Fun wall decals
  • Bed risers

2. New Year, New You
You are starting a new journey and will experience new things. Make a statement with a new stylish room. Do something different from the norm. Express yourself in your new space. Try new colors, throw patterns around, join the world of shapes, and pick a new theme this is you, but the new you.

3. Do you have a roommate? Coordinate Your Decor.

Coordinate a fun and eye pleasing room with your roommate. Plan ahead. Call each other and discuss color schemes, dorm essentials items, likes and dislikes. If you two are in the same area, then meet up and make it a fun bonding shopping experience. Buy some items in twos to give the room balance and coordination.

4. Think Functionality

Most dorm rooms will be small and compact. Buy furniture pieces and organizational items that are multifunctional. Try a storage ottoman. It can perform triple duty as a storage item, extra seating, and a step stool. Eye pleasing desk accessories can be fun and beneficial in organizing your school supplies, too!

5. Be Inspired

Being home away from home can always be bittersweet. To keep your focused relish in sweet memories and document new ones on a memo board. Post inspirational items like, magazine cutouts, quotes, and pictures of family and friends to keep you focused and positive from day-to-day.

Featured Image: Dorm Decor

Image credits: 1 / 2 / 3a / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

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Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation. My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.

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