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I'm Erika Ward

Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation.  My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.

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With so many displaced employees in the workforce, the recession has left people wandering and wondering what to do now. I remember feeling the same way, but I was gainfully employed and making a pretty decent salary at the time. Feeling very restless and unfulfilled in my work, I did a lot of praying and reflecting. What was I really supposed to be doing with my life? I happened upon a journal I kept at the time. What I read was life-changing for me then and serves as encouragement for me today.

Here are 5 steps to help you to discover your gifts and get about the business of obeying your vision:

1. Take inventory of your current interests and compare them to your interests you had as a child. See the similarities?

2. Review your past.

This includes the classes you’ve taken, degrees, jobs, positions you’ve held in organization. This helps you to uncover the skills you often take for granted.

3. What are your strengths?

Ask a family member or close friend to name your strengths Make a 2-column list. On one side list your answers, one the other side list their answers. Look for commonalities.

4. Have faith.

If you have read my blog long enough, then you know my confidence comes from my faith in God and His divine plan for my life. Even through failure and disappointment, I remind myself to remain undisturbed by appearances and to hold fast to the vision. I’m also fortunate to have a close circle of friends to encourage me as well. They can often see my present and future successes because they aren’t so close to my situation. What has been your reality?


4b. Subdue Your Fear

Are you familiar with this acronym: FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real? Our biggest fear is almost never realized. When I feel fearful, I ask myself “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” Once I have an answer to the question, I’ve taken the power away from the fear. I have a Plan B or sometimes a “Plan C.” Did you know it takes just as much energy to have faith as it does to be fearful? Which action will you choose?

5. Be Patient

I admit this was a hard one for me but I’m so much better at it than I used to be. Everything happens in its perfect time, not a minute sooner not a minute later. The other thing I always say is “Stay in Your Lane.” Spending time envying or coveting someone else’s success keeps you away from working your own thing. Rejoice for others success and know that you can have it, too. God is not a respecter of person. What He does for one, He’ll do for another.

“God’s delay is not a denial.”

“Faith is not believing that God can, It is knowing that God will.”

What are you doing to stir up your natural gifts? Are you obeying the vision you have for your life?

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  1. Tonia says:

    Great tips. In the past I've used my children as an excuse to do or not to do things. Now that my youngest has graduated high school. I don't have anymore excuses. None, so I guess when I say next year will be my year. I'll mean it for real.

  2. Erika Ward says:

    I believe you will too! Oh I can only imagine the ideas you have stored up in your pretty little head. Shucks, I'm excited about the little you've already shared with me. It's infectious!

  3. Amanda says:

    Amen!! Great tips Erika! Fear and doubt are my biggest enemies when it comes to my work. I am always looking at others work and fear I just dont measure up. BUt I also know that I serve a God who is all things creative and I many times call upon Him to help me have His creative eye on something.

  4. Shanika Pichey says:

    I so needed this post. I have always found excuses for not doing something but I can no longer fall back on those. Thing have been getting busy in a good way with my business and now I am finally taking the plunge and going completely self-employed. Now I REALLY need to motivate myself to get sh*t done! Even though my work/talent is appreciated, there is always that self-doubt. It sucks but it's there. Thank you for this post!!

  5. Mr. Goodwill Hunting says:

    I think one of the greatest motivations to do, is seeing others do. I never am jealous of others success. I do sometimes look and think, "Hey I can do that!"


    My only excuse for not really doing something is pure laziness. I sometimes think I am 10 years behind where God wants me to be. Then with his all knowing power and wisdom I circle back around and say, "He has me right where he wants me."

    Times & Seasons

    I so needed these pointers. Got a little push from you.

    Your lil bro-Ray

  6. La Monica says:

    This really hits home. Thanks!

  7. Heart of Decor says:

    This was right on time! Religion in business can be taboo…thanks for not subscribing to that belief. Great post! – Nat

  8. […] verb expressed because I knew the odds were against me and anyone else venturing out as a solopreneur. When I sought business advice from others, the overall responses were about as encouraging as walk […]



Over a decade ago, I exchanged my corporate life in building construction for an opportunity to enhance your personal home via decoration and renovation. My mission? To help busy professionals make their homes their sanctuaries.

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